Virtua News

Icy Conditions Put People at Risk of Severe Falls
Virtua doctors are seeing more slip-and-fall injuries, due to icy surfaces caused by freezing temperatures in recent weeks.Dr. David Webner, a sports medicine physician with Virtua Reconstructive Orthopedics, has treated patients with broken bones and low-back injuries from falls on ice. People can also injure their joints or hit their head and get a concussion or even a life-threatening brain bleed.
When outdoors, Dr. Webner advised staying on surfaces that are cleared and salted, and to wear shoes or boots with good grips. He suggested taking slow, short steps.
Virtua patient Dr. Carlyn Phucas broke her wrist when she slipped on a small patch of black ice on her driveway. The local orthodontist will be limited in her job while healing from her injury, which requires a surgical repair. "Don't stop looking for the black ice just because you don't see it initially," she advised.
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